What happens from initial consultation to aftercare

Your initial consultation

At your initial visit, Dr Parker will perform a comprehensive examination. During the consultation he will review your medical history, perform a physical examination, and discuss your goals and expectations. He will help you decide whether the surgery is right for you, what surgical options are available and he will explain the procedure in detail.

At your initial consultation you’ll also have an opportunity to ask questions and discuss any concerns you may have.

It’s important that you fully understand the risks, benefits, and potential complications of surgery.

Tip: During the consultation, take notes on Dr Parker’s recommendations and any important information you learn. This can help you remember the details of the conversation and make an informed decision about whether to proceed with the surgery.

Cosmetic surgery procedures require a second consultation before being booked. This is a requirement of the Australian Medical Council.

The booking process

Once you decide to proceed with the surgery, the surgical booking process begins.

We will give you an Informed Consent Form that outlines the risks and benefits of the procedure, and you’ll need to sign this form before the surgery can proceed. You will need to sign a consent form that indicates you have been informed of the procedure, its expected outcome and benefits, risks associated, any alternatives available (including no treatment), and that you have had the opportunity to ask questions.

You’ll also receive an Informed Financial Consent Form that outlines the cost of the procedure and any associated fees. You also need to sign this form. Dr Parker will then arrange for any necessary pre-operative testing and make the appointment for your procedure.

The day of surgery

In-office procedures

For in-office procedures, no fasting is necessary. You can eat and drink normally and arrive at Dr Parker’s rooms at the appointed time.

The surgery may take anywhere from less than an hour to several hours, depending on the complexity of the procedure.

In-hospital procedures

If you’re having the procedure in hospital, you’ll need to fast for a specified period of time, usually 6 hours for solid foods and 2 hours for clear liquids.

After you arrive at the hospital and book in with the admissions staff, you’ll meet with the anaesthetist who will review your medical history and discuss your anaesthesia options. Post-operative pain relief, if required, will be prescribed by the anaesthetist. If you’re feeling anxious, you may be offered sedation help you relax.

Expect to wait a while as you may not be the first patient on Dr Parker’s operating list.

After surgery

After an in-office procedure

After an in-office surgery is completed, you can go home as soon as you feel ready. You will need to arrange to have someone take you home.

After a procedure in hospital

After surgery in hospital under general anaesthetic or twilight sedation, you’ll be moved to a recovery room, where you’ll be monitored until you’re fully awake and stable. After that you can be discharged, usually on the same day, but occasionally you may need to stay overnight for observation.

If you are going home on the same day, you will need to arrange to have someone take you home.

After a general anaesthetic, it is important not to drive, operate machinery, make important decisions or sign important documents for at least 24 hours.

Post-operative care

Post-operative care and follow-up arrangements will be discussed with you before you leave the office or hospital. This will include instructions on caring for the surgical site, taking any prescribed medications, and avoiding certain activities that may increase the risk of complications.

Follow-up consultations

You will normally have a follow-up appointment with Dr Parker within one to two weeks of the surgery. He will remove any sutures and check the healing process.

Longer-term follow-up may be necessary to monitor healing and address any issues that arise.

If you’re not sure about any aspect of your procedure, don’t hesitate to contact Dr Parker for advice.

If you’re not sure about any aspect of your procedure, don’t hesitate to contact Dr Parker for advice.